Vestibular Training Services IN THE NEWS
Here are some snippets of news / podcasts featuring Vestibular Training Services
Mobility Bro's Ep25: Who Is Sheila Thelen? What is Vestibular Training? What has she accomplished?
Interview with Clif Joseph & Ron Hylton
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XSomuWnKGUVestibular Webinar
sponsored by: Dr Mohamad/Audiology Vestibular Science Academy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkEqv3vPwwsThe Hardy Brain Podcast

Vestibular Training: Athletes, Rehabilitation, Military, Autism, Aging with Sheila Thelen - thehardybrain.ca
North Texas olympian says Russian figure skater controversy is black and white
https://www.wfaa.com/video/news/local/north-texas-olympian-says-russian-figure-skater-controversy-is-black-and-white/287-a1252a37-7f73-4143-b60c-9658323ebdacInterview With Maria Angelova
The Workout Routines Of Professional Athletes
It's LIVE from Chicago!
For Wed., Aug 12 on 'THE SPORTS DOCTOR' Radio Show at 1pm PT / 3pm CT / 4pm ET on BBS Radio -
Johanna Mipuri, cooking personality/author of "Momma Cuisine", making Healthy everyday meals with simple ingredients & launching her new cookbook returns along with Sheila Thelen, Figure Skating Master Spin coach & Owner Vestibular Training Services for post concussion disabilities.Then, it's 'The Sports Doctor's In' with your questions and emails!
Listen LIVE go to: https://bbsradio.com/thesportsdoctor or catch the podcast on iTunes or on my website at http://sportsdoctorradio.com/ and follow us on Twitter @SportsDocRadio ! We are one of the Top 5 Podiatry Podcasts on the web - find us at: https://blog.feedspot.com/podiatry_podcasts/
Listen LIVE go to: https://bbsradio.com/thesportsdoctor or catch the podcast on iTunes or on my website at http://sportsdoctorradio.com/ and follow us on Twitter @SportsDocRadio ! We are one of the Top 5 Podiatry Podcasts on the web - find us at: https://blog.feedspot.com/podiatry_podcasts/
Interview with Sheila Thelen
Founder of Vestibular Training Services
https://www.morninglazziness.com/herjourney/interviewing-sheila-thelen-founder-of-vestibular-training-services/550+ signed up to see Sheila Thelen, Vestibular Training Services
on this webinar in India:
The HOW Foundation of South Florida
2020 Brain Health Week Day 4 - Featuring Sheila Thelen
https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1312870925574527USA: THE SPORTS DOCTOR SHOW:
https://bbsradio.com/podcast/sports-doctor-february-26-2020and on Sports 4 Fanz Radio at
https://tunein.com/radio/Sports-4-Fanz-Radio-s2313412nd International conference on quality assurance in academia (ICAAA) 2020-2021.
Key Note Speaker, Certificate of Appreciation.Interview - Benefits of Spinning
Interview - Benefits of SpinningTheraplay 4 Kids
Sheila Thelen, President and owner, Vestibular Training Services, LLC, Master International & National Figure Skating Coach, Keynote Speaker, & Network Worldwide! Presents: Spin Your Brain Through Vestibular Spin Traininghttps://theraplay4kids.com/new-page-969
Sheila Thelen Podcast
How do we use technology to develop better body awareness?Stroke of Genius Show
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhDAMdUkZh0High-Performance Wellness Solutions
Unveiling the revolutionary benefits of spin training with Sheila Thelen
No medical claims of any kind are implied, expressed or intended by the manufacturer or distributor. Users of any sports/fitness/exercise equipment are encouraged to consult with qualified medical and other appropriately trained professionals to ensure continued safe, effective and beneficial use of this product. No individual or entity associated with the manufacture or distribution of the product assumes any responsibility of any kind arising from its use, and explicitly disclaims, without limitation, implied warranties or fitness for a particular purpose. Website Hosted by Be Online Inc.
No medical claims of any kind are implied, expressed or intended by the manufacturer or distributor. Users of any sports/fitness/exercise equipment are encouraged to consult with qualified medical and other appropriately trained professionals to ensure continued safe, effective and beneficial use of this product. No individual or entity associated with the manufacture or distribution of the product assumes any responsibility of any kind arising from its use, and explicitly disclaims, without limitation, implied warranties or fitness for a particular purpose. Website Hosted by Be Online Inc.